Wednesday, June 19, 2013

iPads in the Art Room...part 2

Once I felt successful with my first grade iPad classes, I decided to let my Muse Club students see what they could do. At the time, I had only a few apps, but it was enough for them to have a great time experimenting!

We started with the same Art Doodles app that my first graders had used, but then used a few other apps to alter the images. This series of photos shows one of the transitions.

We started with the ArtDoodles app, creating an image in the style of Henri Matisse and saving it to the photos. The options for images are limited, so that's where other drawing and photography apps come into play.

This image was transformed by using the Brushes app over the saved image. 
This image was then saved as a second photo in the series.

This last image was created by using the Percolator app with the image
that had been colored using Brushes.
My students LOVE Percolator! The process used to change the effects simulates brewing coffee 
and the young Starbucks generation seems to love that!

Since these early experiments with iPads and apps, I've been able to add a few more to my art room iPads and a whole lot more to my personal iPad for summer fun here at home. I'll post a few more of my favorite apps for the art room in the next post.

Do you use iPads for arts activities in your classroom? 


  1. I LOVE your blog! Bringing art back into the classroom has been a goal of mine. I never thought to use my iPads for it though! I hope you don't mind, but I've nominated you for the Liebster Award. Stop by my blog in the morning and read about it. I'm so looking forward to hearing more about your favorite apps for art.

    Life in Room 24

    1. Lori, thanks so much for the vote of confidence! I'm new to blogging for education and just got started with my membership to Teaching Blog Traffic School in June. I'm also somewhat of a rookie with the iPad, although my husband will happily tell you that I am quite addicted. He just might be correct, too!

  2. Congrats on your award nomination :) Just found your blog through it. Cute!

    The Sweetest Thing
    Follow me on Bloglovin'!

  3. And now I found yours! Love, love, love the way you used your mother's wedding dress, so beautiful!
